There are a lot of interesting, fun, and safe activities for seniors to engage in that will help them maintain a positive attitude, keep their minds sharp, and improve their overall health and well-being.
Before starting any new activity with your senior loved one (especially ones that are physically demanding), please consult with their doctor first.
Seniors enjoy the following activities:
- Bird watching – elders who love to be outdoors will probably enjoy watching birds. Some may find it a fascinating hobby and appreciate identifying all the different species.
- Fishing – many seniors love to throw their line off a dock or pier and sit there for a couple of hours waiting to catch the big one. They find it peaceful and relaxing.
- Picnics – how great would it be for their grandchildren to take them on a nice picnic at a local park? Most seniors would love this idea.
- Gardening – give them some small pots, seeds, and planting soil and encourage them to grow their favorite flowers. This will keep their mind on the task at hand and they’ll enjoy watching it grow.
- Sightseeing – take them to a local museum or historical landmarks and let them learn about new and interesting events and items.
- Painting and drawing – encourage them to paint or draw. This is great therapy and helps them maintain a positive attitude.
- Reading – find out what types of books and magazines they like and keep plenty around for them. Maybe have them join a book club with people their own age.
- Sewing or knitting – if they don’t know how, maybe they can take a class that will teach them. This is a great activity for senior women, especially if they or their family members did it when they were younger.
- Puzzles or games – crossword puzzles, scrabble, word searches, puzzles, solitaire – anything that helps keep them engaged and their minds sharp.
- Visiting – encourage them to attend church, visit family members, and their friends. If they can’t drive anymore, have family and friends rotate each week taking them somewhere they enjoy. This helps keep their spirits high.
- Singing and dancing – this is a wonderful way to keep them going. Sing songs with them, setup a karaoke night with the family and ask them to participate, or encourage them to join the church choir. Also, if they love to dance, sign them up for a senior dance class.
There are so many activities that elders can participate in that will help keep them young at heart and healthy. It’s important that they have a purpose each day, something to focus on, and help keep their spirits high. You don’t want them to become bored because that can lead to depression.
For more information on senior activities or if you’d like to visit one of our assisted living homes, please contact Unlimited Care Cottages today.