How to Choose a Christmas Gift for a Parent with Dementia - Unlimited Care Cottages

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How to Choose a Christmas Gift for a Parent with Dementia

How to Choose a Christmas Gift for a Parent with Dementia, Unlimited Care Cottages

Shopping often turns into a guessing game when trying to choose a Christmas gift for a parent with dementia. As dementia becomes more advanced you may begin to wonder if mom or dad will even recognize you this holiday season, much less know what to do with a gift. It’s true that you want to be more selective in choosing a gift for a parent with dementia. But there are still some practical options for gifts that your loved ones will enjoy.

5 Christmas Gifts Ideas for Parents with Dementia

The best Christmas gifts for parents with dementia are those that will help them thrive in their environment – whether they are in an assisted living facility or receiving in-home care.  

If you are still struggling with an idea for your mom or dad who has dementia, here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Scrapbook of their Favorite Memories – A scrapbook is not only a thoughtful gift for anyone, but for a parent with dementia it becomes much more. These carefully selected photos truly become their memories and help them connect with their past in a special way.
  2. Baby Doll – A baby doll or stuffed animal can have therapeutic effects on your loved one with dementia. It can give them a sense of purpose and improve their moods tremendously. Learn more about the Benefits of Doll Therapy for Alzheimer’s.
  3. Music – Music can be a great way for your mom or dad to connect with their past. Create a playlist of tunes they may remember from their past and play it for them during your visit.
  4. Classic Movie & TV Series – Another way to help mom or dad connect with memories from their past is with classic movies and tv shows they used to watch. What tv show did they schedule their routine around to guarantee they wouldn’t miss it? You can start there!
  5. Easy to Wear Clothing – Even dressing can become a chore when you have dementia. Help mom or dad retain some dignity and independence with clothes that are easy to put on and take off themselves.

Choosing the Right Gift

It’s important to remember that not all dementia is the same.  You will want to do some research to find out which gifts are most appropriate for the particular stage of dementia they are in. Also, familiarize yourself with objects or activities that tend to overwhelm or agitate your loved one.

Learn More

At Unlimited Care Cottages we specialize in memory care understand the importance of connecting with your family member who suffers from dementia. Contact us today to learn more about how to choose the perfect gift for your loved one!
