Seniors and Social Media: 7 Key Benefits - Unlimited Care Cottages

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Seniors and Social Media: 7 Key Benefits

We live in the digital age. Social media has made it easier for everyone to connect, no matter the distance between. As a senior, you’re probably missing out on opportunities to connect with your family and friends if you’re not using social media. It’s the preferred method of interaction even more so than regular phone calls.

Seniors and Social Media

Don’t miss out on an incredible opportunity to connect with family and friends. If you’re a caretaker or a family member of a senior citizen, take this opportunity to help enrich their life. Help them get started on social media and teach them the ropes. It’s well worth your while as you’ll see from the following benefits:

1) Connect with family and friends.

Youth and adults are connecting more via social media than actual phone calls today. For this reason, many seniors find they’re able to keep up with their children and grandchildren more easily over social media than anything else. Through status updates, shared content, and private messaging, you can connect with family members and friends and keep up with their lives. Often you’re also able to reconnect with old friends you haven’t heard from in a long while. This is particularly helpful if you live far away from friends and loved ones or in an assisted living facility.

2) Share stories and experiences.

You are a wealth of experience and information that needs to be shared with the younger generations. You have amazing stories to tell and ideas to share.Through social media you can easily share your life with others. You may consider blogging about what life was like when you were young or the incredible changes you’ve witnessed over the course of your life. Offer your advice to young people, mentor students, and connect with others closer to your age as well.

3) Find online coupons and discounts.

Follow all your favorite brands and companies through social media and receive alerts about coupons, discounts, and promotions. This can be incredibly helpful when you’re living on a fixed income. Often, companies make certain discounts only available through social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter. You can also find other discount groups and apps for even further savings.

4) Research topics of interest.

Social media provides you tools to learn about what interests you. You can find and follow groups, people, and associations that generate and share articles you find interesting. You can keep abreast of what’s going on in the world and any topic you want to know about. You reach out to friends and family members to ask questions, or even chat with representatives from companies you do business with. You may even find a new hobby or stumble upon a new business idea in the process. Continued learning also keeps your mind limber and agile.

5) Watch videos, movies, and old TV shows.

You can find entertainment via social media as well. Watch movies, old TV shows and other videos as well as read ebooks and articles. Look up song lyrics and follow your favorite singers and actors. You can also play games online by yourself or with friends and family.

6) View and share photos of children and grandchildren.

Social media is a great way to view photos of your family, especially if they live far away from you. You can also share them with others. You can view photos minutes after they’re taken, giving you a sense of closeness you may not otherwise be able to have. Families also take a lot of home videos with their phones and post them on social media sites. You can watch your grandchildren grow up and keep up with their accomplishments and experiences online.

7) Give you and your family peace of mind.

It’s very common for families to live far apart today. This can give you and your loved ones added worry and anxiety if there’s little contact. By having daily or frequent contact via social media, your family will know you haven’t fallen and you’re doing well. You will feel connected to them and enjoy knowing about their lives as well. Everyone can enjoy peace of mind knowing your family will know immediately if something happens and you need help.

Stay Connected

One of the best reasons for seniors to use social media is to stay connected to family and friends. This can help prevent loneliness and depression and promote overall health. There are many other benefits to using social media for the elderly. This guide to seniors and social media highlights a few. Get connected and enjoy them all!

To learn more about social media and other ways to promote senior health and well being, Contact Us.
