Happy Holidays from Unlimited Care Cottages! Unlimited Care Cottages, Spring, TX

Happy Holidays from the Unlimited Care Team!

Most of us can agree 2020 was not a very pleasant year. But as the year draws to a close and the holiday season continues, it’s time to look toward 2021 with hopes for a better future. In the meantime, we should all take a moment to enjoy our time off with loved ones and reflect back on how the year went, not just for the world overall, but for us personally. Here’s a look back at 2020 with Unlimited Care Cottages!

[bctt tweet=”As the new year approaches, it’s time to leave 2020 in the dust and make 2021 a much better year. Get our annual summary and future plans here! #UnlimitedCareCottages #seniorliving #seniorcare” via=”no”]

Staying Connected & Safe During the Pandemic

Our senior residents could face a serious risk from COVID-19 if anyone got sick or inadvertently brought the virus in. We’re proud to announce neither has happened! Every resident, staff member, and volunteer has remained healthy during this time and we have not had a single case of coronavirus in our community.

But even as we continue to take precautions, we know how important it is to stay connected to loved ones in memory care. We’ve established safety guidelines to allow limited visitation without potentially dangerous interaction. If you haven’t taken advantage of our visitation arrangement yet, the holiday season is the perfect time to do so!

Our Family

We work hard to make our cottages feel like home. And as the pandemic limited outside visitors, the family atmosphere we’ve cultivated has only grown. We’re so blessed to have incredible staff and volunteers who take precautions to keep our residents safe and provide them with a comfortable bed-and-breakfast environment. We hope to continue providing this excellent level of care and community into the new year.


2020 was a mixed bag for all of us. However, the best thing to do as the year comes to a close is look forward to the future and commit to making things better. In the meantime, enjoy the holiday season with your loved ones.

Get in touch with us to learn more about our plans for 2021.

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