7 Exercises to Build Memory Retention, Memory Care, Dementia Care, The Woodlands, TX, Unlimited Care Cottages
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7 Exercises to Build Memory Retention

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Just like you can lose muscle over time and you need to exercise regularly to stop it, people also need to participate in certain healthy behaviors in order to keep their brains and memories in top shape. In fact, recent studies show that keeping a strong memory and healthy brain can significantly decrease your chances of dementia. [bctt tweet=”Wondering the best ways to stay mentally sharp? These 7 tips can help you improve memory and mental performance.” via=”no”]

What Can You Do to Help Improve Your Memory?

The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change—even into old age. This means that you can continue learning and improving your memory. By exercising your body and mind, getting the right foods, adequate sleep and keeping stress in check, you can increase your cognitive abilities, enhance your ability to learn new information, and improve your memory at any age.

  1. Work Your Brain
  2. Get Moving
  3. Don’t Skimp on Sleep
  4. Make Time to Socialize
  5. Brain-Boosting Diet
  6. Keep Stress in Check
  7. Identify and Treat Health Issues

1) Work Your Brain

Memory, like muscular strength, requires you to “use it or lose it.” The more you work out your brain, the better you’ll be able to process and remember information.

ProTip: To boost brain memory, make sure you are engaging in activities that teach you something new, such as music or art.

2) Get Moving

Physical exercise helps your brain stay sharp. It increases oxygen to your brain and reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Exercise also aids in reducing stress hormones, as well.

3) Don’t Skimp on Sleep

Sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on your mental capacities. Studies show that over 95% of adults need between 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep every night in order to avoid sleep deprivation. ProTip: Without sleep, memory, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking skills are all compromised.

4) Make Time to Socialize

Having meaningful friendships and a strong support system is vital not only to emotional health but also to brain health. In one recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health, researchers found that people with the most active social lives had the slowest rate of memory decline.

5) Brain-Boosting Diet

Just as the body needs fuel, so does the brain. Choose foods high in Omega 3’s, limit calories and high-saturated fats, eat more fruits and veggies, and drink green tea to help boost brainpower and reduce your risk of dementia.

6) Keep Stress in Check

Stress is one of the brain’s worst enemies. Over time, chronic stress can destroy brain cells and damage the region of the brain involved in the formation of new memories and the retrieval of old ones.

7) Identify and Treat Health Issues

If you feel that your memory has taken an unexplainable dip, there may be a health or lifestyle problem to blame. There are many diseases, mental health disorders, and medications that can create memory loss, so it’s important to talk to your doctor if you find yourself being more forgetful than usual.

Getting Help through Memory Care

If you or a loved one is an older adult and have the beginning stages of dementia, you might want to consider getting help through memory care. Memory care offers additional assistance with daily living in a secure environment in an environment and activities specifically designed with those who have dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Wanting to know more ways to improve your memory? Join the conversation to learn how to stay sharp and prevent cognitive decline.


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