Capture Your Senior Loved One's Memories, Unlimited Care Cottages, Kingwood, TX
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Capture Your Senior Loved One’s Memories

Few things are more captivating than listening to a senior loved one’s memories. If you’ve never sat together with your older family members to talk about their life experiences, you might be missing a lot. Seniors have many fascinating stories to talk about, and you need to engage them to tell their stories.

Listening to your senior loved one’s memories is so fascinating. The next time you meet your aging mom, dad, or other family members, create time to listen to and capture their stories. Here are just a couple of ways to ensure their memories live on.

[bctt tweet=”Your elderly loved ones have many, many stories to tell. Try these simple methods to preserve a senior’s memories for progeny. #UnlimitedCareCottages” via=”no”]

Record an Interview

As people begin to age, they tend to struggle with their memory. Recording their stories can help preserve their memories, for themselves and for you. All you need to do is organize an in-person (or over the phone) interview with your senior loved ones and ask many questions. Get an audio recorder or a video camera to capture every story they tell. Come with a list of prepared questions or simply listen as they recount important moments.

Email Questions

Do your senior loved ones enjoy writing emails? You can send them questions through email every week, which they can answer by replying to your emails. Tools like StoryWorth can help you achieve that. It comes with several pre-written questions, but also allows you to create your own. The questions are then emailed to your loved ones. You’ll receive their replies via email, allowing you to capture their memories in written form.

Show Them Their Memories are Special

Showing your senior loved ones that their memories are special will get them to talk. One of the best ways to ensure that is by creating a safer space where they’ll feel relaxed. Play music they enjoy, bring their favorite snack, or find other ways to ensure your loved ones are completely at ease while the two of you talk. These strategies can help your elderly family members relax as they reminisce and share their favorite memories. Ensure you capture all information they share.

Tell Their Story

Recording your senior’s memories is the best way to capture your family history. Whether you record an interview or capture their memories in writing, you’ll have many stories worth remembering when your loved one is gone. It will also be easier to tell their stories to the coming generations in your family.

Contact us to learn more about capturing a senior’s memories.

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